Curriculum Vitae, Per Møller Jensen

Personal data

Date of birth: 1953-03-09
Marital status: Single
Address: Ulrikkenborg Allé 33 I mv
DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone: +45 72 18 80 24 (work, Tue - Fri)
+45 45 87 82 54 (private, Tue - Fri)
+45 54 93 22 06 (private, Sat - Mon)


Danish (native language)
English (written working language throughout my career)
"Scandinavian" (read, understand, write and speak)
German (read and understand, write and speak with difficulty)
Dutch (read and understand)
Japanese (read and write with difficulty)


2004 - present employed at Mærsk Data Organisator (now Organisator A/S) as application programmer. Tasks:

1995 - 2003 employed at ABB Signal A/S (formerly EB Signal A/S, later DaimlerChrysler Signal A/S, later Bombardier Transportation, Rail Control Solutions) as senior project engineer. Tasks:

1990 - 1995 employed at Brüel & Kjær Industri A/S, CMS Division (now Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S) as senior project engineer. Tasks:

1989 - 1990 self employed in a failed attempt together with 3 colleagues to develop and market a PC based project management program with a graphical user interface (GEM) and advanced scheduling algorithms. Tasks:

1981 - 1989 employed at Dansk Signal Industri A/S (later EB Signal A/S) as project engineer. Tasks:


Ph. D. Electrical Engineering, 1982, Mathematical Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Subject: Assorted combinatorial problems in the areas of graph theory, matroid theory and algorithmic complexity. Guest at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada for a 6 month period and employment as research fellow at the University of Twente, Enschede, Holland during a 12 month leave from the Ph. D. study.

M. Sc. Electrical Engineering, 1977, Technical University of Denmark. Thesis project carried out at Mathematical Institute. Subject: Graph theory and matroid theory.

Supplementary education: Courses on X/Motif programming, Oracle databases, object oriented design, EJB and personal development/teamwork.